Help me help others.
Thank you for clicking the support button, it means so much to me that you are interested in finding out more about how you can support the work that I do through At a Loss, and how you can help it continue if you also believe in the value of helping others facing a detour in their dreams of motherhood.
First, I thought I'd share with you a little about what I do through At A Loss. In 2014 I began walking alongside other women who shared the same dream & detours, because I knew what it was like to face it without a lot of support or understanding. The more I invested in this community and witnessed the gaps in support & care, the more my heart broke and I looked for resources and/or capabilities I had that I could use to support these women. Over the last 9 years, I felt led to offer my help to women in a variety of ways; through my writing, through support groups, through online communities, through Coaching, and more recently, through therapeutic art journaling and through grief gifts. As my collection of tools, resources, services, etc. grew, I realized that what I had created was actually an infertility support hub, a place where many types of support could be available no matter where you are in the journey.
I began At a Loss work in 2018 while I was employed, and my desire has always been that it wasn't going to be about making money, this was a passion project and my goal has been just to break even on what I invested in to it. Since then many circumstances have changed, like becoming self-employed, and while my heart behind this still isn't about the money, my hope is that I can continue to offer many of my supports for free or at affordable costs so I can help as many people as possible.
This is where I could use your support! If you want to help me help others and support this dream of mine, at the bottom of this page are a variety of ways you can do that, most of them are free and only take a few minutes of your time. Others are financial and help me fund things like the tools I use to create my website, newsletter, online courses, etc., and of course my time. See information below on how you can donate, like sending me a one time gift or subscribing to ongoing support to cover my monthly fees. Another way to donate is by becoming a grief gift sponsor, covering the cost of a gift for a woman recently facing loss. Any support is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to finding ways to give back to thank you!
Thank you so much for being here, I look forward to what a partnership with you can do!
If you know a woman struggling with infertility, childlessness, pregnancy loss or any other detours to their dream of motherhood, you may not know the right words to say, but sharing At a Loss will let them know they are not alone.
Choose to encourage the At a Loss work with a one time gift, like treating me to a coffee, or subscribing to monthly support. Another option is to help those who are grieving a loss by sponsoring one of our Grief Gift packages.